

mortal   (a.) : Not able to live forever

                     <---> immortal

morgue (n.) : 1. A building or room, usually in a hospital, where dead bodies are kept until

                          they are buried or cremated. 

                      2. A place that has become very quiet and dull (used humorously)

mortgage (n.) : 1. A legal arrangement by which you borrow money from a bank or similar

                             organization in order to buy a house, and pay back the money over

                             a period of years

                         2. The amount of money you borrow in the form of a mortgage

mortician (n.) :  Someone whose job is to arrange funerals and prepare bodies to be buried


de-:down, away from

deficient   (a.) : 1. Not containing or having enough of something

                         2. Not good enough

departure (n.C/ n.U) : 1. An act of leaving a place, especially at the start of a journey [ arrival]

                                   2. An act of leaving an organization or position

                       (n.C) : 1. A flight, train etc that leaves at a particular time

                                  2. A way of doing something that is different from the usual, traditional,

                                     or expected way



dislike (v.) : to think someone or something is unpleasant and not like them

         (n.C/ n.U) : a feeling of not liking someone or something

disease [n.C/n.U] : an illness which affects a person, animal, or plant

              [n.C] : something that is seriously wrong with society or with someone's mind, behaviour etc


“Fortune favors the bold.” By Alexander the Great




1. basin (n.C.) : an area of land that is lower at the centre than at the edges, especially one from

                         which water runs down into a river    

--> E.g. the Amazon basin

2. Hebrew (n.C.) : a member of the Jewish people in ancient times

3. conquest (n.U.) :  the act of getting control of a country by fighting  

 --> E.g. the Norman Conquest

4. fusion (n.) : a combination of separate qualities or ideas

--> E.g. Her work is a fusion of several different styles.

5. tripartite (a.) : involving three parts, groups etc 

--> E.g. There is a tripartite agreement between France, Britain, and Germany.

6. inadequacy (n.U.) : a feeling that you are not as good, clever, skilled etc as other people

--> E.g. Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

7. omnipotent (a.) : able to do everything

8. Euphrates (n.) : a long river which flows from Turkey through Syria and Iraq into the Persian Gulf

9. exploit (vt.) : to develop and use minerals, forests, oil etc for business or industry

--> E.g. The urgent need to exploit the resources of the Irish Sea.

10. galley (n.) : a long low Greek or Roman ship with sails which was rowed by slaves in the past

11. propel (vt.) : to move, drive, or push something forward

--> E.g. A boat propelled by a small motor.

12. oarsmen (n.) : someone who rows a boat, especially in races

13. peasant (n.C.) : a poor farmer who owns or rents a small amount of land, either in past times

                        or in poor countries

--> E.g. Most villagers are peasant farmers.

14. feudal (a.) relating to feudalism    

--> the feudal system

 15. Nile (n.) :  a river in northeast Africa, the longest river in the world, whose water is used for most

                      of the farming in Egypt and Sudan. It is formed from two rivers: the Blue Nile, which

                      starts in Ethiopia, and the White Nile, which starts in Uganda. The two rivers join in

                      Sudan, and flow north into the Mediterranean Sea.

16. tract (n.C.) : a large area of land  --> vast tracts of woodland

17. crescent (n.C.) :a curved shape that is wider in the middle and pointed at the ends

--> a crescent moon

18. irrigate (vt.) : to supply land or crops with water

--> E.g. The water in Lake Powell is used to irrigate the area.

19. surplus (n.) : an amount of something that is more than what is needed or used

--> E.g. Any surplus can be trimmed away.

20. pharaoh (n.C.) :a ruler of ancient Egypt

21. hieroglyphic (n.U.) : a system of writing that uses pictures to represent words

22. sumerian (n.) :1. a native or inhabitant of Sumer

                     2. a language of unknown affinities that was the language of the Sumerians and

                         had, in the late 4th and 3rd millenniums b.c

23. assyrian (n.) : a native or an inhabitant of Assyria. / the dialect of Akkadian spoken in Assyria.  

24. cuneiform (n.) : relating to the writing used by the people of ancient Mesopotamia

25. pastoral (a.) : typical of the simple peaceful life in the country     --> a charming pastoral scene

26. faction (n.C.) :  small group of people within a larger group, who have different ideas from the

                              other members, and who try to get their own ideas accepted

--> E.g. There are struggles between the different factions within the party.

27. deportation (n.) : the lawful expulsion of an undesired alien or other person from a state.

 --> the deportation of illegal immigrants

28. bondage (n.) : the state of being a slave 

 --> E.g. Since the age of 13 he had been in bondage.

29. prophet (n.C.) : someone who claims that they know what will happen in the future

30. canonical (a.) : according to canon law

31. Pentateuch (n.) : the Christian name for the first five books of the Old Testament of the Bible,

                                 which people believe were written by Moses, and which Jewish people call

                                  the "Torah"

32. Torah (n.) : the traditional writings and principles of Judaism, especially the first five books of

                         the Jewish Bible

33. legacy (n.C.) : money or property that you receive from someone after they die

--> E.g. She received a small legacy from her aunt.

34. codify (vt.) : to arrange laws, principles, facts etc in a system

35. encroachment (n.) : anything taken by encroaching      --> foreign encroachment

( encroach : to gradually take more of someone's time, possessions, rights etc than you should)


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