
Today-- John Denver

ics-: 單數學科名稱

--> idiomatic : typical of the natural way in which someone speaks or writes when they are using

                       their own language

--> poetics (n.) :  relating to poetry, or typical of poetry

--> mathematics (n.) :the science of numbers and of shapes, including algebra, geometry,

                                   and arithmetic


magni-: great

--> magnify (vt.) : make something seem bigger or louder, especially using special equipment

--> magnificat (n.) : 1. ( italics ) the hymn of the Virgin Mary in Luke, 1:46–55, beginning “My soul doth

                                   magnify the Lord,” used as a canticle at evensong or vespers.

                               2. a musical setting for this

--> magniloquent (a.) : 1. speaking or expressed in a lofty or grandiose style

                           make something seem more important than it really is (=exaggerate) 

                                    3. to make something much worse or more serious


tude-: 偏

--> aptitude (n.C. / n.U.): natural ability or skill, especially in learning


tragedy : form of drama based on human suffering

--> dithyrambs 山羊之歌 ; satyr play 山羊劇

--> drama , suffering , Dionysus


choral , phallic songs

catharsis : emotional cleansing   --> pity, fear, purging

plague (n.C.) : a disease that causes death and spreads quickly to a large number of people

Sphinx 人面獅身像 --> riddle

Thebes --> Theban

Jocasta : Oedipus' mom

Teiresias : prophet


exile to Colonus


defy fight


"Because you are the one that you are hunting for !



  1. cavern (n.) a large cave
  2. domain (n.) : an area of activity, interest, or knowledge, especially one that a particular person, organization etc deals with
  3. cram (v.) : to run or drive into something very hard
  4. harangue (vt.) : to speak in a loud angry way, often for a long time, in order to criticize someone or to persuade them that you are right
  5. veteran (n.) : someone who has been a soldier, sailor etc in a war
  6. torment (n.) severe mental or physical suffering
  7. colossal (a.) :used to emphasize that something is extremely large
  8. thrust (v.) : to push something somewhere roughly
    --> E.g. She thrust a letter into my hand.
  9. cspellbind (vt.) : 以咒語壓住; 迷住   -->E.g. All present seemed to be spellbound by the melody.
  10. Suave (a.) : someone who is suave is polite, confident, and relaxed, sometimes in an insincere way:
  11. seductive (a.) : someone, especially a woman, who is seductive is sexually attractive
  12. marshal (n.) : an officer of the highest rank in the army or air force of some countries
  13. vault (v.) : to move quickly from a lower rank or level to a higher one
  14. clan (n.) : a very large family
  15. epithet (n.) : a word or short phrase used to describe someone, especially when praising them or saying something unpleasant about them
  16. Patroness (n.) : a woman who supports the activities of a person or organization, by giving money or using their name in advertising
  17. Exult
  18. Blissful
  19. Dispatch
  20. Braid
  21. Decree
  22. Shamble
  23. Supple
  24. Gust
  25. Wield
  26. Craggy
  27. Threshold
  28. Swagger
  29. Brisk
  30. Bustle
  31. Mull
  32. sop
  33. Rout
  34. lance

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