
Conflicts: Revolution

Offspring of half god, half man: Achilles, Perseus, and Hercules

Furies 復仇女神

Hermes: God of Messenger


Athena : God of wisdom

Orpheus, Hermes, Hercules : been to the underworld

Persephone (Cora): Hade’s wife

Poseidon, Hades, Zeus : Brothers (Big Three)

Counted by suitors: Odysseus

Chiron 半人馬


Centaur 半人半神的老師


Othello - Shakespeare


Medusa     The Odyssey (Odysseus)      Lotus – Eater

                                                                       Lost the track of timing.

                                                                       We were trapped.







Beautiful, Love













Pay the ferryman

Charon (渡船人)


Olympus: where the gods live

Myth: ology

Dismiss 解散

mortal (a.) : not able to live for ever [≠ immortal]

shield (n.C.) : a large piece of metal or leather that soldiers used in the past to protect themselves when fighting

casino (n.C.) : a place where people try to win money by playing card games or roulette

evacuation (n.) : send people away from a dangerous place to a safe place

banish (v.) : to send someone away permanently from their country or the area where they live, especially as an official punishment

omnipotent (a.) : able to do everything

nectar 玉液瓊漿

demigod (n.C.) : a man in ancient stories, who is half god and half human

immortality (n.) : the state of living for ever or being remembered for ever

forgetfulness (n.) : often forgetting things



Percy Jackson

1492 Columbus found the New

IMDB, Wiki

Lightening Bow

Empire State Building

Nashville, TN  The Panthenon [pan: 泛; the : god]

Directed by Chris Columbus



 1. successor (n.C.)  : someone who takes a job or position previously held by someone else

--> E.g. His successor died after only 15 months in office.

2. revolt (n.) : strong and often violent action by a lot of people against their ruler or government

--> E.g. There is a revolt against the central government

3. menorah (n.) : a Jewish candlestick that holds seven candles

4. candelabrum  (n.) : an ornamental branched holder for more than one candle.

5. cohesion (n.U.) : if there is cohesion among a group of people, a set of ideas etc, all the parts or members of it are connected or

                                related in a reasonable way to form a whole

6. en route : on the way

--> E.g. Why don't we stop for lunch en route?

7. citadel (n.) : a strong fort (=small castle) built in the past as a place where people could go for safety if their city was attacked

8. excavator (n.C.) : a large machine that digs and moves earth and soil

9. tablet (n.C.) : a flat piece of stone or clay with words cut into it, for example above someone's grave

--> E.g. There is a tablet in memory of those who died.

10. decipher (v.) : 1. to find the meaning of something that is difficult to read or understand

                  2. to change a message written in a code into ordinary language so that you can read it

--> E.g.  I can't decipher his sloppy handwriting.


11. Mycenean (n.) :  a native or inhabitant of ancient Mycenae


12. bureaucratic (a. ) : involving a lot of complicated official rules and processes

13. millennium (n.) : a period of 1000 years

14. Torah : the traditional writings and principles of Judaism, especially the first five books of the Jewish Bible

15. conduct (vt.) : to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove facts

--> E.g. He conducted the members of the audience to their seats.

16. capriciously (adv.) : likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way

17. unbridgeable (a.) : 不能架橋的 / 無法溝通的; 不可逾越的


18. chasm (n.C.) : a very deep space between two areas of rock or ice, especially one that is dangerous

 --> E.g. There was a deep political chasm between the two countries which nearly led to war.


19. irreconcilable (a.) : incapable of being brought into harmony or adjustment

20. synthesis (n.) : something that has been made by combining different things, or the process of combining things

21.conceive (v.) : to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way

22.implicit (a.) : suggested or understood without being stated directly


23.prominent (a.) : important


24.arbitrary (a.) : decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly

25.upholder (vt.) : to defend or support a law, system, or principle so that it continues to exist

26.sublime (a.) : so good or beautiful that it affects you deeply

--> E.g. The view was sublime.

27.wrath (n.U.) :  extreme anger


28.blizzard (n.) : a sudden large amount of something unpleasant or annoying that you must deal with

29. anthropocentric (a.) 以人類為宇宙中心的; 以人類觀點解釋宇宙萬物的

30.fragment (v.) : to break something, or be broken into a lot of small separate parts - used to show disapproval

--> E.g. The bowl fell and fragmented into bits.

31.aristocratic (a.) : belonging to or typical of the aristocracy

--> E.g. He lives in an an aristocratic family.

32.oligarchy (n.) : a small group of people who run a country or organization, or a country that is run by a small group of people

--> E.g. Eventually oligarchy took over from democracy.

33.stranglehold (n.) : complete control over a situation, organization etc

 34.allegiance (n.) : loyalty to a leader, country, belief etc

--> E.g. You owe allegiance to your king.

35.Crimea : a part of Ukraine nearly surrounded by the Black Sea. The Crimean War was fought there.

--> E.g. Just a few firms have a stranglehold on the market for this software.


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