
Doctor Faustus

By Christopher Marlowe 

 Was that the face that launched* a thousand ships.

And burnt* the topless towers of Ilium*?

Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.


*launch: get started

*burnt: 德語的remain 

*Ilium: Troy的外城


“Whenever you fell like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”  From: The Great Gatsby


Vergil / Virgil: true

-Verify (vt.) :  1. to discover whether something is correct or true

                      2. to state that something is true

-Verification (n.)

-Virtual reality (n.U.) : an environment produced by a computer that looks and seems real to the

                                  person experiencing it


Voc- / vok-: call

-evoke (vt.) : to produce a strong feeling or memory in someone

-invocation (n.) : 1. if you invoke a law, rule etc, you say that you are doing something because the law

                               allows or forces you to

                           2. to make a particular idea, image, or feeling appear in people's minds by

                               describing an event or situation, or by talking about a person

                           3. to use a law, principle, or theory to support your views

                           4. to operate a computer program

                           5. to ask for help from someone more powerful than you, especially a god

                           6. to make spirits appear by using magic


rage (n.) = angry


Leda And The Swan   

 by William Butler Yeats

A sudden blow: the great wings beating still

Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed

By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,

He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.


How can those terrified vague fingers push

The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?

And how can body, laid in that white rush,

But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?


A shudder in the loins engenders there

The broken wall, the burning roof and tower

And Agamemnon dead.

                                        Being so caught up,

So mastered by the brute blood of the air,

Did she put on his knowledge with his power

Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?


Manual: hand   (a.) : 1. manual work involves using your hands or your physical strength rather

                                     than your mind

                                2. operated or done by hand or without the help of electricity, computers etc

                                3. relating to how well you use your hands to make or do things

                        (n.C.) : a book that gives instructions about how to do something, especially

                                         how to use a machine

Manuscript (n.C.) : 1. a book or piece of writing before it is printed

                              2. a book or document written by hand before printing was invented

Manipulate (vt.) : 1. to make someone think and behave exactly as you want them to, by skilfully

                               deceiving or influencing them

                           2. to work skilfully with information, systems etc to achieve the result that you want

                           3. (medical) to move and press bones or muscles to remove pain in them

                  use skill in moving or handling something


Sophomore (n.C.) : a student who is in their second year of study at a college or high school

Sophisticated (a.) : 1. having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially important

                                  things such as art, fashion etc

                               2. a sophisticated machine, system, method etc is very well designed and very

                                  advanced, and often works in a complicated way

                               3. having a lot of knowledge and experience of difficult or complicated subjects

                                  and therefore able to understand them well


Prometheus: give fire to mankind


Electra, Orestes, Iphigeneia: suffering






Fairest= the most beautiful

Vulnerable: Achilles‘s heel


Gemini Origin: Castor and Pollux

Oedipus Complex : 戀母情結

Electra Complex: 戀父情結            



1.doctrine (n.) : a set of beliefs that form an important part of a religion or system of ideas

2.conviction (n.) : a decision in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime, or the process of proving that someone is guilty

3.supreme (n.) : having the highest position of power, importance, or influence

4.secular (a.) : not connected with or controlled by a church or other religious authority

5.proponent (n.C.) : someone who supports something or persuades people to do something

6.cohesion (n.) : if there is cohesion among a group of people, a set of ideas etc, all the parts or members

                          of it are connected or related in a reasonable way to form a whole

7.actuate (v.) : 開動(機器等);激勵

8.provision (n.) : when you provide something that someone needs now or in the future

9.assimilate (vt.) : to completely understand and begin to use new ideas, information etc [= absorb]

--> E.g. It will take time to assimilate all these facts.

10.reprisal (n.) : something violent or harmful which you do to punish someone for something bad they have done to you

--> E.g.They didn't tell the police for fear of reprisal.

11.expansionist (a.) : 擴張主義的; 膨脹主義的

12.Sicily : 西西里島(地中海之最大島嶼)

13.oligarchic (n.) : a member of a small group of people who run a country or organization

14.regime (n.) : a particular system - used especially when talking about a previous system, or one that has just been introduced

15.perceptible (a.) : something that is perceptible can be noticed, although it is very small [≠ imperceptible]

--> E.g. The sound was barely perceptible.

16.predecessor (n.) : someone who had your job before you started doing it [≠ successor]:

--> E.g. Kennedy's predecessor as president was the war hero Dwight Eisenhower.

17.exasperation (n.) : when you feel annoyed because someone continues to do something that is upsetting you:

--> E.g. Carol sighed in exasperation.

18.stonemason (n.C.) : someone whose job is cutting stone into pieces to be used in buildings

19.infuriatingly (adv.) : 令人氣憤地

20.sophistic (a.) : 詭辯性質的; 強詞奪理的

21.preach (v.) :  to talk about a religious subject in a public place, especially in a church during a service

22.impiety (n.) :  lack of respect for religion or God, or an action that shows this

23.internecine (a.) : internecine fighting or struggles happen between members of the same group or nation

24.ferocious (a.) : violent, dangerous, and frightening

25.cynicism (n.) : someone who is not willing to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something:

--> E.g. Even hardened cynics believe the meeting is a step towards peace.


27.Hellenistic (a.) : 公元前4世紀至公元前1世紀的)希臘語言和文化的

28.Cleopatra : 克利歐佩特拉(古埃及豔后)

29.conquered (v.) : to get control of a country by fighting:

--> E.g. The Normans conquered England in 1066.

30.futility (n.) : 無益, 徒勞

31.homogeneity (n.) : 同種; 同質

32.collision (n.) : an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions

33.protract (vt.) : 延長, 拖延

34.Carthaginian (a.) : 迦太基的; 迦太基人的;迦太基語的

35.Alps : a range of mountains which go through France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Austria.

 --> E.g.Many people visit the Alps to ski.


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