
character  (n.C.) : a letter, mark, or sign used in writing, printing, or on a computer

                (n.U.) : a quality that makes someone or something special and interesting

hell (n.U.): 1. a situation, experience, or place that is very unpleasant

                 2. a place or situation in which people suffer very much, either physically or emotionally



Tartarus : underworld

River Styx 



Phoebus Apollo


-ium: 框限起來的範疇

omni-: all

--> omnipotent (a.) : able to do everything


1.permeate (v.) : if ideas, beliefs, emotions etc permeate something, they are present in every part of it

2.Terence : a British writer of plays including The Winslow Boy, The Browning Version, and Separate Tables

3.anifestation (n.) : a very clear sign that a particular situation or feeling exists

4.aristocrat (n.) : someone who belongs to the highest social class

5.senatorial (n.) : a member of the Senate or a senate

6.exert (v.) : to use your power, influence etc in order to make something happen facto (a.) : really existing although not legally stated to exist

8.demise (n.) :  the end of something that used to exist

9.imperial (a.) :relating to an empire or to the person who rules it

10.secular (a.) : not connected with or controlled by a church or other religious authority

11.consolidating (v.) : to strengthen the position of power or success that you have, so

                                   that it becomes more effective or continues for longer:

12.aptitude (n.) : natural ability or skill, especially in learning

13.aqueduct (n.): a structure like a bridge, that carries water across a river or valley

14.commendation (n.) : an official statement praising someone, especially someone who

                                      has been brave or very successful

15.manliness (n.) 男子氣概

--> E.g. His confidence, his manliness and bravery, turned his wit into wisdom.


17.metrical : written in the form of poetry, with a pattern of strong and weak beats

18.satire (n.) :a piece of writing, film, play etc that uses this type of criticism

19.furtive (a.) : behaving as if you want to keep something secret

20.inexorably (adv.) 無情地

21.inadequate (a.) : not good enough, big enough, skilled enough etc for a particular purpose

22.Senate : the highest level of government in ancient Rome

23.intrigue (vt.) : it interests you a lot because it seems strange or mysterious:

24.bloodshed (n.) : the killing of people, usually in fighting or war

25.ushered (v.) : to help someone to get from one place to another, especially by showing them the way

26.confine (v.) : to keep someone in a place that they cannot leave, such as a prison

27.flagrantly (adv.) 罪大惡極地

28.amenity (n.) : something that makes a place comfortable or easy to live in

29.sardonic (a.) : showing that you do not have a good opinion of someone or something,

                            and feel that you are better than them

30.vulgar (a.) : not showing good judgment about what is beautiful or suitable

31.bliss (n.) : perfect happiness or enjoyment

32.crucify (v.) : to kill someone by fastening them to a cross

33.persecution (n.) 迫害;困擾

--> E.g. The heretic met with severe persecution.

--> E.g. Other people's houses always intrigued her.

--> E.g. The company has consolidated its position as the country's leading gas supplier.

--> E.g. Britain's imperial expansion in the 19th century

--> E.g. They exerted considerable influence within the school.

--> E.g. Racism continues to permeate our society.

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